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Friday, August 17, 2012

Bird House for Your Feathered Friends

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If you are a bird lover, you will want to have at least one bird house in your yard so you can watch your favorite birds flying back and forth all day long. By putting up a bird house, you not only benefit yourself because of the pleasure you will have watching the birds, you will also be benefitting the birds. Birds need to have a safe place to nest and raise their families. In many areas all over North America, birds are losing their natural habitat where they traditionally nested for hundreds of years. By putting up bird houses and allowing birds a protected space to raise their families in your yard, you are helping to offset the damaging effects of the habitat destruction. A small backyard with one or two trees can accommodate one bird house, but if you have a large yard with many trees, you may be able to set up three or more.

Of course, any bird lover will want to have one or more bird houses because it means that there will be more birds to watch going back and forth in the yard. You will also be making your own yard a better place. If you put up a bird house for insect-eaters such as purple martins, you will be helping to make a dent in the local population of mosquitoes. The house wren and other wrens will also help to keep the insect population down. Seed-eating birds will help to control the number of weeds in your yard.

Setting up one or more bird houses in your yard is an especially good idea if you have young children in your home. They will be spellbound watching the activities of the bird parents as they fly into and out of their home. When the eggs finally hatch, your children will continue to watch the growing brood in amazement until the day the young birds fly away. Your children can share your love of birds and learn about nature at the same time.

Building a bird house together with a young person who is a nature lover or a budding carpenter is a great project to share. You can spend time helping your young friend put together an attractive bird house from one of our bird house kits. If you are going to paint a bird house, be sure to use non-toxic paint that will not harm any birds that decide to live there.

A proper bird house must have good ventilation so the temperature inside never gets too hot or too cold. It must have good drainage so that liquids such as rainwater can drain out the bottom. Finally, the bird house must be placed in a location where the nesting birds and their young families will be safe from predators. We provide bird houses that you can hang from a safe spot in a tree or place on a pedestal in your yard where you can easily watch the birds come and go.

Once you set up a bird house in your yard, you can improve the likelihood that birds will choose to nest there by making a supply of food and water available to them. Many birds like to line their nests with materials such as dead grass, leaves, or twine to create a soft cushion for their eggs and young ones, so it is a good idea to ensure the birds can find these materials in your yard to make their homes more comfortable.

We have more than 50 different kinds of bird houses for sale as well as several bird house kits. They range in style from the strictly traditional wooden bird houses to decorative bird houses to comical bird houses shaped like cats, bugs, frogs, or other creatures. Take a look through our collection and you are sure to find exactly the type of bird house where some of your favorite birds will feel at home.

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