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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Aggressive squirrels steal all the food meant for birds

If you are an avid bird watcher, no doubt you have placed a bird feeder in your yard so you can watch the antics of your favorite birds as they come to eat at the feeder.  However, it can be very frustrating to put up a bird feeder to entice your favorite birds only to discover that pesky squirrels are eating all the food and chasing the birds away.  Bird lovers often try a variety of methods to keep squirrels out of their feeders such as placing mothballs in the vicinity. Unfortunately, these home-made methods are usually unattractive and ineffective. Squirrel proof bird feeders are the better solution.

Whether it is winter or summer, remember that seed-eating birds and squirrels are competing with each other for food. If you want to attract birds to your feeder, you need to find an effective way to prevent any squirrels in the area from stealing the food that is intended for birds.  Squirrels are very agile and persistent. When they find that you are providing a source of food, they will stay at the feeding station until they have eaten every last bit of seed you have provided.  Not only do the squirrels take the food meant for birds, they can be very aggressive and actually attack any birds that come to the feeder. We offer economical, long-lasting and ingenious bird feeders that will allow you to feed the birds you want to attract while keeping squirrels away from the seeds.

The Squirrel Buster Plus from Brome Bird Care has a very practical design that lets you feed your favorite birds while preventing the squirrels from taking their food.  As soon as a squirrel lands on the feeder perch, the weight of the squirrel closes the seed ports of the feeder so the squirrel has no access to the seeds inside. When the squirrel jumps off the Squirrel Buster Plus, the seed ports open up again and the birds can feed happily. This bird feeder can easily be adjusted if you want to exclude larger birds such as grackles from your feeder. If you want to feed larger birds as well as smaller birds, you can adjust the setting to allow them to feed.  The Squirrel Buster Plus can safely be cleaned in the dishwasher and it has a life time warranty.

Squirrels have very strong front teeth designed for gnawing and they can chew through many durable materials such as wood and most plastic. Finding the right material to construct a bird feeder that squirrels cannot chew is a challenge. The Yankee Tipper 360 Degree bird feeder from Droll Yankees, Inc. is ideal for feeding ground-feeding birds and song birds. This bird feeder has four seed ports and a clear barrel that can hold up to five pounds of seed.  If a squirrel tries to get at the seeds, the weight of the squirrel makes the feeder bottom tip until the squirrel harmlessly falls to the ground. This hanging feeder is made with clear, tough plastic and metal parts that cannot be chewed by squirrels.

The Yankee Flipper offers a unique concept in squirrel proof bird feeders.

The weight of a squirrel landing on the base of this feeder activates a battery-operated spinner that will harmlessly spin the squirrel around until it lets go and harmlessly falls to the ground. You may discover that you enjoy watching the squirrel take a short ride on this squirrel merry-go-round as much as you enjoy watching your feathered friends come to feed at this feeder. Be sure to check all the squirrel resistant bird feeders on our website to find the one that is best suited for your needs. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bird House for Your Feathered Friends

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If you are a bird lover, you will want to have at least one bird house in your yard so you can watch your favorite birds flying back and forth all day long. By putting up a bird house, you not only benefit yourself because of the pleasure you will have watching the birds, you will also be benefitting the birds. Birds need to have a safe place to nest and raise their families. In many areas all over North America, birds are losing their natural habitat where they traditionally nested for hundreds of years. By putting up bird houses and allowing birds a protected space to raise their families in your yard, you are helping to offset the damaging effects of the habitat destruction. A small backyard with one or two trees can accommodate one bird house, but if you have a large yard with many trees, you may be able to set up three or more.

Of course, any bird lover will want to have one or more bird houses because it means that there will be more birds to watch going back and forth in the yard. You will also be making your own yard a better place. If you put up a bird house for insect-eaters such as purple martins, you will be helping to make a dent in the local population of mosquitoes. The house wren and other wrens will also help to keep the insect population down. Seed-eating birds will help to control the number of weeds in your yard.

Setting up one or more bird houses in your yard is an especially good idea if you have young children in your home. They will be spellbound watching the activities of the bird parents as they fly into and out of their home. When the eggs finally hatch, your children will continue to watch the growing brood in amazement until the day the young birds fly away. Your children can share your love of birds and learn about nature at the same time.

Building a bird house together with a young person who is a nature lover or a budding carpenter is a great project to share. You can spend time helping your young friend put together an attractive bird house from one of our bird house kits. If you are going to paint a bird house, be sure to use non-toxic paint that will not harm any birds that decide to live there.

A proper bird house must have good ventilation so the temperature inside never gets too hot or too cold. It must have good drainage so that liquids such as rainwater can drain out the bottom. Finally, the bird house must be placed in a location where the nesting birds and their young families will be safe from predators. We provide bird houses that you can hang from a safe spot in a tree or place on a pedestal in your yard where you can easily watch the birds come and go.

Once you set up a bird house in your yard, you can improve the likelihood that birds will choose to nest there by making a supply of food and water available to them. Many birds like to line their nests with materials such as dead grass, leaves, or twine to create a soft cushion for their eggs and young ones, so it is a good idea to ensure the birds can find these materials in your yard to make their homes more comfortable.

We have more than 50 different kinds of bird houses for sale as well as several bird house kits. They range in style from the strictly traditional wooden bird houses to decorative bird houses to comical bird houses shaped like cats, bugs, frogs, or other creatures. Take a look through our collection and you are sure to find exactly the type of bird house where some of your favorite birds will feel at home.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Window Bird Feeders

Window bird feeders are a great solution for any bird lover who enjoys bird watching but has to spend a lot of time indoors working on important tasks. A window bird feeder can be attached to the outside of a window and will allow you to watch wild birds feeding while you do the dishes or even work on your computer. The big advantage of having a bird feeder mounted on your window is that you can get a much closer view of the birds than you would get by using a more conventional type of feeder in your backyard.   

This type of feeder is very versatile because it can be mounted on a kitchen window, bedroom window, or living room window. Window mounted wild bird feeders are ideal for bird lovers who live in apartments. By attaching a bird feeder to the outside of an apartment window, apartment dwellers can reap all the pleasures of seeing wild birds feeding just a few inches away.

Window feeders that feature a one-way mirror will allow you to get very close to the window while the birds are feeding. You will be able to watch the birds while they eat without worrying that your movements on the other side of the window will disturb them.  

If you have a bird feeder mounted on your window, you can continue to enjoy bird watching from the comfort of your own home even during the coldest winter months. When the temperatures outside get very cold you can enjoy watching the birds feeding right outside your window. At the same time, you can take pleasure in knowing that you are helping wild birds survive the cold winter months when food can be much more difficult to find.

One of the greatest benefits of having a window wild bird feeder is that it can help your young children develop a love of birds. Imagine having a feeder outside your kitchen window where birds come to eat every day! Your young children will really enjoy watching all the wild birds that will come to your window feeder to have a feast. This can be a great opportunity for you to pass along your interest in wild birds and the natural world. You can help your children identify the various species of birds coming to your feeder and you can work together to plan the types of meals you are going to offer them in the coming days.

Many window feeders can be mounted easily on any glass window with the use of built-in suction cups. For example, the Observer Window Feeder by Droll Yankees is made from clear plastic and allows you to have an unobstructed view of the wild birds as they fly back and forth. The suction cups allow you to fasten the feeder on any convenient window.

If you would like to have a wild bird feeder that you can easily fill while you are inside the house, you will enjoy using the Deluxe In-House Window Feeder made by Heath. This attractive feeder will fit most window sills and has a hinged roof allowing you to refill it without having to go outside. 

Check out the variety of window bird feeders we offer on our website. One of them is sure to fit your needs.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bird Baths (Waterers)

Bird baths instantly give any garden a look of timelessness. A bird bath suggests that here is a place where people can come to relax and contemplate nature in beautiful surroundings. Of course, bird baths also create a welcome invitation to wild birds in the neighborhood to come to your yard. A bird bath will be especially appreciated by your feathered visitors during periods when the weather is hot and dry or when the ground is frozen. At such times, birds have a difficult time finding clean sources of drinking water. A bird bath is the ideal companion to a bird feeder and so it belongs in every bird lover’s garden. You will enjoy watching birds come to your bird bath where they will playfully splash in the water on a hot day. In very cold weather, you can provide a heated bird bath so birds can have a source of water to drink.

If at all possible, you will want to locate your bird bath in an area where you can easily watch all the birds that come to use the bird bath. However, you should always place the needs of the birds above your own desire to watch them. When a bird has just splashed water over its body, the feathers will be very wet and heavy until they have a chance to dry completely. At this time, the bird is very vulnerable to attack from predators. For this reason, bird baths should only be placed in an open location several feet away from bushes so any predators who try to sneak up to the birds will easily be seen. 

If you want your bird bath to remain a welcoming destination for your feathered visitors, you must make a commitment to keeping the basin and the water clean. Bird baths that are neglected will become health hazards for birds and for humans. Remember that a standing pool of water makes an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. To eliminate this problem, be sure to change the water in the bird bath basin frequently. This will also keep the water fresh for the birds that come to the bath to have a drink and clean themselves.

If the water is stagnant, even small amounts of bacteria and mold will start to multiply quickly. The birds may become sickened by drinking water that has become contaminated. Feathers, seeds, leaves, and bird droppings in the water can soon breed bacteria, mold, and algae, especially in warmer weather. It is best to change the water at least once or twice a week and to clean the basin regularly to kill any algae, mold and bacteria that could sicken the birds.

Although household bleach can be used to clean some bird bath basins, it can be damaging to some materials and may harm plants and birds if the bleach is not used correctly. At our website you can find easy-to-use bird bath cleaners that are safe and will not harm birds or garden plants. 

Whether you want to have a bird bath in your garden as a beautiful decorative ornament or because you want to attract more birds to your yard, we have a wonderful selection of bird baths from which to choose. 

You may be familiar with bird baths that look like the traditional stone or concrete basins on a pedestal that are often found in old-fashioned gardens. These have a lovely, classic look, but modern bird bath design has evolved far beyond the traditional styles. Have a look at some of our lovely bird baths made of glass, such as the stunning Sunflower bird bath featuring a bright, cheerful, sunflower hand-painted on high-quality glass. Our Metal Bird Bath with 23 inch scrolling has an elegant, contemporary look. Of course, in addition to these beautiful, modern designs for bird baths, we also feature many traditional styles consisting of a basin and pedestal for a classic look. Take some time to look through our beautiful collection of bird baths and choose the one that will add a special touch of magic to your garden. 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Children gifts for nature lovers

Almost every child is filled with a fascination about the natural world from a very young age. On our website we offer many wonderful games, puzzles, toys, and books for children of all ages. By giving your children gifts for nature lovers, you will help to instill a lifelong interest in the natural world. 

Children enjoy playing games, whether they are playing with other children, or with you. You can provide them with games that are fun to play and that will teach them about nature at the same time. On our website we offer many games that are educational as well as entertaining. For example, we have a variety of bingo games that are suitable for even young children to play. You can choose from bingo themes such as cats, dogs, bugs, reptiles, or dinosaurs. Children who like to play cards can get card decks featuring pictures of many different animals including birds, bears, and butterflies.

Young children love doing puzzles and we offer a variety of exciting puzzle themes that are sure to please any young child you know. Some of our puzzle themes include butterflies, birds, dogs, cats, and dinosaurs. The finished pictures are very attractive and will look great when displayed on the wall. Of course, your child may prefer to take the puzzles apart and put them together over and over again.

If your child is interested in birds, he or she will enjoy playing some of our bird games such as “What Bird Am I?” or “Bird Watching Trivia”. These games will increase your child’s knowledge of birds.  Young bird lovers will also appreciate having our Playing Cards Birds North American or one of our many decks of playing cards featuring bird illustrations. We also offer many charming and attractive puzzles featuring North American birds. We have bird puzzles suited for children aged three-to-six years as well as more complex puzzles that will challenge older children. Another gift that a young bird lover will appreciate is an unpainted bird house or bird feeder that can be painted and set up with your assistance to attract real birds in the yard.

You can encourage your children’s interest in nature by spending time with them and taking them out on nature outings where they can learn about the life cycles of the plants, birds, insects, and other animals surrounding them. Your nature outings can take place in the park, on a farm, in the forest, or right in your own backyard. Your child will always treasure these moments of learning about the natural world with you. Nature gifts for children will help them to learn about nature in an effortless way.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Bird Identification Books

Every bird lover will want to develop an extensive collection of birding books, including several field guides to birds. Field guides to birds have wonderful illustrations of wild birds and depict the appearance of the males and females of many bird species at various stages of their lives for easy identification. Pocket field guides to birds are perfect to take with you on a birding trip so you can quickly grab one from your pocket to help you identify a bird in the wild. The more comprehensive field guides to birds make excellent reading material for bird lovers to help them to increase their understanding of the behavior and distribution of various bird species.

Many bird lovers like to have an extensive collection of field guides to birds because each book can teach them something new. It is helpful to have more than one field guide on hand to use as a reference because the plumage of wild birds can vary a lot according to the age of the bird, the season, the geographical region, interbreeding, and other factors. In some cases, even experienced bird watchers may have difficulty identifying an unusual bird that has been seen, especially if it has wandered far from its usual territory.

Books about birds are an ideal gift for any bird lover or nature lover. If you plan to give a book on birds as a gift to a bird watcher, you should try to find out first which bird books that person already owns so you can surprise your friend with something new and unexpected.

We are proud to offer a very extensive collection of birding books on our website.  In addition to our books on birds, we offer many other items here that are sure to please any nature lover. Here you will find books, tapes, CDs, CD ROMs and DVDs covering many aspects of the natural world such as mammals, reptiles, insects, flowers, trees, and much more. Any of these books, tapes, or CDs will provide endless hours of fascination to a lover of nature.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bird watching is quickly increasing in popularity

Bird watching is quickly increasing in popularity because it is an ideal hobby for young and old. Once you realize how much enjoyment you can have by watching wild birds, you will want to set up a bird feeder or two in your own yard. By setting out food that wild birds love to eat, you will entice many feathered visitors to your yard. On our website we offer some of the best bird feeders you will find anywhere.  Discover more about the wild bird feeders we offer.

You will find that you will get a lot more enjoyment from your backyard if you can make it into a safe sanctuary where birds feel free to come to feed and refresh themselves in nature. You can add elements to your yard such as wild bird feeders, bird houses, and bird baths to encourage various wild birds to visit and linger so you can see them sharing your yard just a few feet away.

One of the most crucial requirements for a successful bird feeder is that it must be located in an area where the birds coming to feed will be safe from predators such as cats. This can be accomplished by placing the feeder on top of a metal pole that will hold the feeder several feet off the ground. Another way to keep the birds safe is to install a hanging bird feeder from a tree branch where cats and other predators will not be able to reach the birds. We sell hanging bird feeders that are not only practical but decorative as well. These can be filled with the seeds that wild birds love to eat.

A window bird feeder is a wonderful way to enjoy birds from any window in your home. The birds will come very close to the window so you can stand inside the house and see them happily feeding on the food you have set out for them. Whether it is the glory days of summer or the coldest days of winter, it is a lot of fun to watch wild birds feeding just a few inches away. Window bird feeders are an ideal way to get children interested in the hobby of bird watching from an early age.

One bird that is particularly loved by young children is the hummingbird. Hummingbird feeders are a perfect way to attract hummingbirds to your yard. These tiny birds will always draw a lot of attention from young children who will watch them hover in mid-air while they flap their wings so quickly they cannot be seen. In addition to setting up a hummingbird feeder, you should also plant some of the flowers that hummingbirds enjoy such as columbines and bee balm.

Squirrels often cause a problem at wild bird feeders because they are very aggressive and they steal foods meant for visiting wild birds. You can avoid this problem by setting up a separate feeder just for squirrels in another part of your yard or you can purchase one of the squirrel proof bird feeders we offer. This will ensure that the wild birds can get the food they need without having to compete with squirrels.

When you first start out feeding birds, you may not be certain which sorts of birds are coming to your wild bird feeder.  During the periods of the spring and fall bird migrations there will be many unusual birds that come to your feeder while they are on their way to their summer homes or their winter homes. When you are watching the wild birds that come to your feeder you should keep a field guide to birds nearby so you can identify the various birds that are visiting your feeder. Once you learn more about the birds you can expect in your yard, you can start to set out exactly the types of food they enjoy so that they come back to visit your bird feeders again and again. 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A special blend of seeds formulated to attract the greatest variety

 Blue Ribbon Blend 5 lbs.
A special blend of seeds formulated to attract the greatest variety and number of wild birds. Try it and see the difference at your feeder!